18 weeks
22 weeks
26 weeks
And now for the really scary one...proceed with caution...
Bare belly at 26 weeks
Yikes. Seriously, how can I go three more months? My skin already feels like I have a constant sunburn from being stretched so far. But, the babies are a good healthy size and that's what matters. I can sacrifice my tummy in the hopes that they don't have to spend much time in the NICU. I never liked bikinis much anyway...sigh.
This Week's StatsHow far along: 26 weeks, 1 day
Weight gain/loss: Another 1.5 lbs this week. Making 35 total. I must pause for a moment while that sinks in.
Maternity clothes: It's getting to the point where the maternity shirts don't fully cover my belly. This is not good. Having your midriff hanging out isn't good when one is thin, much less in my state.
Stretch marks: Amazingly, none yet, but I hear they can often pop up in the last few weeks. Really hoping I can avoid them.
Sleep: I've kind of given up on deep sleep. I'm happy if I can get 1.5 hours straight.
Best moment this week: Went to an Expectant Parents of Multiples event on Sunday that was really neat. It was cool to talk to other moms of twins and get advice.
Food cravings: Appetite is definitely waning, and I've been a bit sick this week so I've really just been forcing it down.
Belly button in or out? Still somewhere in the middle.
Movement: Yep. I think they have parties in there. Or fights. Not sure which.
What I miss: Energy. Motivation. I have so many things I want to do and I just can't. I look at things around my house and wish I had a magic wand so I could just make things happen. All I can do is lie on the sofa and nag DH to do them for me.
What I'm looking forward to: Baby shower is THIS Saturday. Soooo excited. Mostly just to see people I haven't seen in awhile.
Milestones: Hmmm. I'm sure there's something. We went to a baby class on sleep management. We both left there basically thinking that we are screwed.